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Historic Royal Theatre Installs Trending Technology


Hearing Technology to Improve Audience Experience at Royal Theatre in Benton, Arkansas

Millions of Americans wear hearing aids. But in public places, sometimes it can be difficult to filter out the background noise. Saline Audiology is aiming to change just that by installing new induction loop technology in places like the Royal Theatre in Benton.

As a service to the community, Saline Audiology is donating to the Royal Theatre the induction loop equipment and providing the labor to install it. “We want patrons of the Royal Theatre who wear hearing aids to be able to hear every word clearly,” says Credonna Miller, Au.D. of Saline Audiology. The Royal Theatre is scheduled for outfitting with the induction loop technology on January 21, 2014.

It all began when Lisa Richey, Au.D. and Credonna Miller Au.D., heard about induction loop technology being used in other states and around the world.

They realized the technology was available, but it just wasn’t being used here locally. “We want Saline County and Central Arkansas to lead the induction loop revolution in Arkansas and regionally. It helps people hear better. That’s what we want,” said Dr. Richey. “The technology can be easily implemented in public places, businesses and homes,” added Dr. Miller.

An induction loop is a wire installed around a room, then connected to the room’s sound system. It transmits a signal that can be heard by turning on the hearing aid’s T-coil. The doctors at Saline Audiology then adjust the loop programming in hearing aids specific to the hearing aid wearer, thus allowing maximum hearing benefit. The result, a crystal-clear sound.

Normally, in large rooms, the sound is not very clear with hearing aids. The induction loop technology eliminates background noise. Conference rooms, meeting rooms, auditoriums, sanctuaries, cafeterias and similar places are a good fit for loop technology.

The challenge going forward, is to get other places to install this trending technology so that more people can hear better in more places.

Having installed induction loops in dozens of churches, homes and businesses, Saline Audiology is Central Arkansas’ premier induction loop technology provider.

Dr. Richey and Dr. Miller have been presenting this trending technology information to civic groups, church organizations, school organizations and other groups here in Central Arkansas for the last 12 months. To schedule a presentation or find out more about induction loop technology, visit www.ArkansasLoops.com, or you can contact Saline Audiology at, (501) 778-3868.

Founded in 1997 by Lisa Richey, Au.D. and Credonna Miller, Au.D., Saline Audiology has been serving Saline County and Central Arkansas with offices in Benton and Hot Springs Village. Saline Audiology offers the most advanced hearing technologies available with comprehensive hearing care. Visit www.SalineAudiology.com for more information about Saline Audiology.

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